To Understand…
Calibration and service of your personal gas monitors and fixed gas detectors is a key activity to ensure your units comply with legislation and regulations. Manufacturers of gas monitors recommend that these meters are calibrated every 6 months or follow manufacturer recommendation to ensure the integrity of the sensors and confirm that the detector will alarm in the event of a toxic or flammable gas exposure.

To Be Considered…
In order to ensure safe and accurate operation of Fixed Gas Detectors and Portable Gas Detector, they need to be periodically calibrated against reference test gases and follow the standard service procedure according to international IEC and ISO standards. All calibrations are documented, traceable, and digitally signed in recognized with an accredited calibration laboratory from by the Laboratory Accreditation Scheme of Malaysia (SAMM).
To Provide Standard Calibration Service for…
- Portable Gas Detector
- Fixed Gas Detection System
Standard Complied to ISO/IEC 60079-29-1; 2016-07 & ISO/IEC 60079-29-2; 2015-03
To start the Service Calibration…
Please contact our service department if you wish to either arrange an on-site service contract or to send your equipment for calibration service and repair, our service can even overnight a calibration to ensure very little downtime and to ensure your continuity of your business.